Golden Week

Last Saturday I went to Tokyo during Golden Week. This is a special week because three national holidays occur during it and I get time off of work.
My friend Yuta and I spent Sat and Sun walking around Tokyo. A large part of Sat was spent in Shibuya, which is famous for it's crowded intersection by the train station. When most people see videos of Tokyo (including Lost In Translation) this is one spot that you are most likely to see. Although it does not represent the whole of Tokyo.
While in Shibuya, we ended up at a great music shop. It's been a long time since the two of us have spent time in a music store. We started to reminisce about the times when we were really into the rock "guitar thing". This place was amazing! Every type of guitar or effect that we could think of this place had. They even had a "stick", which is a combination of a base guitar and a electric guitar that is played by taping the strings. I'm tempted to buy one of these things.
I did buy 3 cds in Tokyo. 10,000 Days by Tool, The Sermon on Exposition Boulevard by Rickie Lee Jones and Symphony of Psalms by Igor Stravinsky. The Tool was good although I've heard most of it before so I knew what to expect. As for the other two I have not gotten through listening to them. I'm sure the Stravinsky is a better rendition then the one I bought in March.
The Rickie Lee Jones is good so far but it was late and I did not get through the whole CD. If you are interested in her music I would recommend her "Pirates" album or CD or MP3. If not the "New Kids on The Block" have a new one coming out soon.
As golden week comes to a end I'm well rested and happy. Just seeing a monkey on stilts is enough to make any man happy for a long time.
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