Idiot In Exile

Monday, October 27, 2008

What in the world has happened to the world?

Bad news from home and then more bad news from home. Weird feelings coming across the ocean and then the news came in the form of a phone call, then a email.
Maybe this is why I have a bad feeling about coming home. Our minds can pick up small details about many different things that we see and hear. Somehow our minds put all these pieces together to from a impression. And our harts feel the sting of this.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Say What?

Today is the first day of my Fall break. I hope to record some music that has been floating around in my head for some time now. I also plan to go to Yokohama on Friday and Tokyo on Monday.
In six months I will be going back to the U.S.. It will be a different place for me but not too different. Not only will I be a different person but those around me will be different but not too different.
So what will I do when I get back? I must say that I'm not too sure about that. Education has been under attack from all fronts for some time now and I'm not confident that this attack will stop anytime soon. Most see "musical education" as redundant and it is also one of the first things cut from the budget of most schools. Besides I don't want to try to make Pop Stars out of anyone. Because when it comes to music that is what most young people care about. It's always "so and so didn't know how to read music so why do I?" I say because "so and so can write hit songs and I can't teach you how to write hit songs. If I could I would not be teaching you at this school. As far as I know there is no one out there that can teach you how to write a Hit song. I can show you how to write a song but for it to be a hit is not up to you or me.
Let me make this clear, you don't have to know how to read music to be a good musician, but as a music teacher it would be a disservice to you if I didn't teach you it. Or maybe I should leave a good music education to the elite class like "back in the good old days."

Sunday, October 05, 2008


It's been a long time since my last blog. I can't believe it's October already. In about six months I will be coming home from my stay in Japan. Of course this brings up many questions for me, like what will I do for a job? Will there be any "good" jobs left when I get back? Will the U.S. be in a depression? Some of you will be thinking it will be if X candidate gets into office. But I don't think that matters too much. Ask yourself: "Who controls the money in the U.S. ?" To say that it's the "Rich" is understating the question. "Rich" is a vague term as is corporate. We all get our loans for the same source. (There was a time when corporation could expand on there profits alone with out the need to "go in debt".) In my opinion we need to look at the organization called
"The Federal Reserve". Make no mistake, there is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve.
The folks who run this "bank" are not elected, but our banking system and our national debt all stem from this source. If they want, at any time they can recall there loans and can control the amount of money that flows in the country. This is sort of what happened in the late 1920's.
(By the way the gold standard won't work because gold can be horded. Also try to find out how much gold is in Fort Knox. The last figure was in the 1950's) This is not conspiracy propaganda.
And if it is then include me in the likes of "Ben Franklin, George Washington, Abe Lincoln, Andy Jackson, Jesus Christ and many others.
In other news, my friend Yuta's wife has just given birth to a baby boy.
And Remember: Things are not as bad as they seem.
They are worse then that.
They are also better then that.