Just for you...

Yes sometimes folks get it all wrong but it sometime feels so right. Who am I to make corrections to these types of things? This year I get Christmas off because it falls on a Thursday (which is my day off regularly.) The only plans I have is to make some phone calls and express my holiday wishes to people. Watch out, you may be one of these people!
Christmas in Japan is uneventful for the most part. New Years is the important time for the folks here. For me New Years is uneventful but that's not a bad thing for me. Don't get me wrong I like a good party when I can find one. But to me it's no big deal.
My hope, like many others, is that 2009 won't be as weird as 2008. For me it was a odd year for many different reasons. Not much could happen in the next few days or the next year that would surprise me. So what has this taught me?
All these events have led me to the overwhelming conclusion that in the deepest darkest recesses of my ever omnipresent consciousness that "I don't know what is going on." Of this I'm sure of beyond a reasonably doubt. There are folks who make clams that all is fixed in the universe.
That would mean all is static, which does not work well in a dynamic universe. It works well for my Aiwa T.V. that has been broken for that last few months but that's neither hear nor there.
My point is that there is a liberation to the "I don't know" idea. It's OK. I do have a scepticism towards those who say they do.
I once met a man who I had just met and had only said a few words to. Later that night I heard him say to one of my friends that I didn't know shit. Yes, I thought. The truth at last!
The ironic thing was it was his wedding anniversary and I congratulated him on it and it was one of the few things I said to him that night.
Who knew?
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