Idiot In Exile

Sunday, November 30, 2008


Here is a nice picture I took the last time I was in Tokyo. This garden was located smack dab in the city right next to Tokyo Dome. This garden was created (or paid for) by the emperor of Japan a long time ago.(I can't remember the date)


This is where I ended up the last time I went to Yokohama. Good beer but after two I felt like I was going to explode because of the thickness it had. Good thing I didn't eat any sour kraut! The train ride home might have been interesting.
Just finished reading "John Adams" today. Good book! It's amazing how politics hasn't changed that much since his time. What was also interesting was the different views the founding fathers had about how the government should or could be run.
That's all for now.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


This pic was taken next to a river that is near my apartment. I walked all along this river today until I started to get tired and then I decided to make my way back home. (The long way)
It was a nice walk but not so nice as to take a lot of pictures. Nice view of the hills in the distance though. This city is surrounded by these hills. Kofu sits in between them and at times it feels isolated by them.

Back to the band question:
I think I've found my new look for my new band. The folks at the P.I. may not be into it but I feel that they will come to love it like I have.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

This is why I love the 80's

And this is why I don't love the 80's

Today's reading "John Adams" by David McCullough. It is amazing how little we all know about the founding fathers of our country and what they did for us.
I'm glad the election is concluded and also that nothing untoward happened. As most of us feel, I hope that things will get better, but I also realise that the president and/or the government has only so much control over things. But still I hope for the best.
Believe me it's hard to resist commenting on the things that have happened to the U.S. in the last few months and I'm not speaking about the election. No I'm speaking about the housing @#$% up that we are in. Don't get me started! At this juncture I usualy become sarcastic and sinicle in my blog. Well not today. I hope this blog has giving you a laugh or at least a smile.
But be that as it may, don't expect to see me in neon spandex in the near future. On the other hand you may see me in black leather wearing a studded cup and beating a bass drum with the skull of a investment a broker from Wall street. Maybe even one of those poor saps form Leimen Brothers. The name of my new band will be called "They eat there young."
Sorry! Sometimes I just can't help myself.
Peace, love and joy at a .05% interest rate: